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Are You a Candidate for Invisible Aligners?

As dental technology continues to evolve, more people are turning away from traditional metal
braces and towards invisible aligners for their teeth-straightening needs. These clear, removable
devices have revolutionized orthodontic treatment, offering a discreet and convenient option for
achieving a perfectly aligned smile. But the question remains: are you a candidate for invisible
aligners? At Stallings Dental in St. Louis, Missouri, we’re here to help you make that

Understanding Invisible Aligners

Invisible aligners are custom-made orthodontic devices that snugly fit over your teeth to
gradually shift them into a more desirable position. Made of clear, BPA-free plastic, they’re
nearly invisible when worn and can be removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.
Treatment involves switching to a new set of aligners every one to two weeks, each set
designed to move your teeth incrementally towards their final positions.

Are You a Good Candidate?

Invisible aligners are suitable for both adults and teens looking to correct their teeth alignment
without the noticeable appearance of traditional braces. However, they’re not for everyone. Here
are some factors that could determine your eligibility:

Type of Orthodontic Issues

Invisible aligners can correct a range of mild to moderate orthodontic issues, including
overbites, underbites, crossbites, gap teeth, open bites, and crowding. However, for severe or
complex cases, traditional braces or more comprehensive orthodontic treatment might be more


While invisible aligners are suitable for teenagers and adults, they’re not recommended for
younger children whose teeth and jaws are still rapidly growing.

Oral Health Status

Good overall oral health is essential before beginning treatment with invisible aligners. Issues
like gum disease, cavities, or the need for other dental work should be addressed before
starting the aligner therapy.


Since invisible aligners are removable, they require a commitment to wear them for the
recommended 20-22 hours per day. Patients who may forget to wear their aligners or prefer not
to have the responsibility of removing and cleaning them might be better suited to fixed
orthodontic options

The Benefits of Invisible Aligners

If you’re deemed a good candidate, invisible aligners offer numerous benefits:

  • Aesthetics: Invisible aligners are almost undetectable, allowing you to straighten your teeth
  • Comfort: With no metal brackets or wires, aligners tend to be more comfortable than
    traditional braces.
  • Convenience: Aligners are removable, so you can eat and drink what you want and
    maintain your regular oral hygiene routine without any special tools.
  • Time: Typically, fewer dental appointments are needed compared to traditional braces,
    saving you time and inconvenience.

Consult with Stallings Dental

If you’re considering invisible aligners, the first step is to schedule a consultation with our team
at Stallings Dental. During this appointment, we will evaluate your teeth, discuss your
orthodontic goals, review your medical and dental history, and determine whether you’re a good
candidate for invisible aligners.

In the end, the choice to proceed with invisible aligners should be based on a thorough
understanding of your personal orthodontic needs and lifestyle. Our team at Stallings Dental is
committed to working closely with you, providing expert guidance and personalized care to help
you achieve the smile you’ve always desired.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation and find out if invisible aligners are the right
choice for your smile transformation. At Stallings Dental, we’re ready to help you take the first
step towards a healthier, more confident smile!