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How to Keep Your Child’s Teeth Healthy and Strong

As a parent, ensuring your child’s health is a top priority. This includes their oral health, which is
an integral part of their overall well-being and development. Here at Stallings Dental in St. Louis,
Missouri, we understand the unique dental needs of children, and we are committed to helping
parents navigate their child’s oral health journey.

Maintaining your child’s oral health is a collaborative process that involves proper oral hygiene,
a balanced diet, regular dental visits, and education. Let’s delve into how you can keep your
child’s teeth healthy and strong:

Establishing Good Oral Hygiene Practices Early On

Begin cleaning your child’s mouth even before their first tooth erupts. Wipe their gums gently
using a clean, damp washcloth. Once their first tooth appears, start brushing using a soft,
child-sized toothbrush and a tiny smear of fluoride toothpaste (about the size of a grain of rice).
As they grow older, increase the amount of toothpaste to a pea-sized dollop.

Teach them to brush their teeth twice a day, and help them until they’re able to brush effectively
on their own, usually around age six. Don’t forget to encourage flossing once two teeth touch
each other.

Regular Dental Checkups

Schedule your child’s first dental visit by their first birthday, as recommended by the American
Dental Association. Regular dental visits allow early detection of potential issues and timely
interventions, setting the stage for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

At Stallings Dental, we strive to make dental visits a fun, comfortable experience, promoting a
positive attitude towards oral health in your child.

Nutritious, Balanced Diet

A healthy diet plays a pivotal role in your child’s oral health. Incorporate plenty of fruits,
vegetables, lean proteins, and dairy products, which provide essential nutrients for strong teeth
and healthy gums.

Limit sugary drinks and snacks. Remember, it’s not just the quantity of sugar but also the
frequency of sugar exposure that can lead to cavities. Encourage water as the primary drink and
save sweets for special occasions.

Dental Sealants and Fluoride

Dental sealants and fluoride treatments offer extra protection against cavities. Sealants are thin,
protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth, where cavities often first
develop. Fluoride treatments strengthen the tooth enamel and can even reverse early signs of
decay. Talk to your dentist about these preventive measures.

Oral Health Education

Teach your child the importance of good oral hygiene and its impact on their overall health.
Make it interactive and fun through storybooks, songs, or brushing along with their favorite
cartoon character. Positive reinforcement like a sticker chart can motivate younger children.

Avoiding Baby Bottle Decay

Don’t put your child to bed with a bottle of milk, formula, or juice as the sugars in these drinks
can lead to tooth decay. If they need a bedtime bottle to soothe, fill it with water.

Breaking the Thumb-Sucking Habit

Thumb sucking is a natural reflex for babies and toddlers, but if it persists beyond the age of
four or when permanent teeth start to erupt, it can lead to dental problems. Discuss with your
dentist for strategies to gently discourage this habit.

Ensuring your child’s teeth stay healthy and strong may seem daunting, but remember, you’re
not alone in this journey. We at Stallings Dental are your partners in navigating your child’s oral
health, offering comprehensive dental care tailored to their needs.

By instilling good oral hygiene habits, encouraging a balanced diet, and scheduling regular
dental visits, you can set the foundation for your child’s lifelong oral health. Contact us at
Stallings Dental today to schedule your child’s dental visit. Let’s join hands in creating a future of
healthy, confident smiles for your child!

Dental Emergencies

Despite all precautions, children are prone to dental emergencies due to falls or sports-related
injuries. In such situations, it’s crucial to act swiftly. Keep your dentist’s contact information
handy and reach out immediately in case of emergencies.

Keep Teeth-Safe Toys

When buying toys, consider their potential impact on your child’s teeth, especially for toddlers
who tend to put objects in their mouth. Avoid toys with sharp edges that could injure the gums or

Remember, every child is unique and may reach oral health milestones at different stages. Be
patient, maintain a positive attitude, and make oral care a fun and integral part of their daily

Teeth are essential for eating, speaking and smiling! They play a critical role in our lives, and the
foundations of good dental health are laid during childhood. Invest time in teaching your child
about the importance of their teeth and how to care for them.

At Stallings Dental, we are passionate about helping children start their oral health journey on
the right path. With a combination of expert dental care and a warm, child-friendly environment,
we ensure your child’s dental experience is always positive and productive.

Remember, a little prevention early on goes a long way in protecting your child’s smile for the
future. Contact Stallings Dental today, and let’s work together to keep your child’s teeth healthy
and strong!