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Demystifying Root Canal Treatment: What to Expect at Stallings Dental

Talk of a root canal can bring with it a whisper of dread. But at Stallings Dental in St. Louis, we
believe that knowledge is the antidote to fear. So, let’s shed light on root canal treatment, what it
involves, and why it’s an invaluable procedure for restoring and saving teeth that might
otherwise be lost.

Understanding Root Canal Treatment

Unlike the tales of yore, modern root canal treatment is a straightforward procedure that
alleviates pain and saves your tooth. When a tooth’s nerve or pulp is infected due to decay, a
crack, or injury, a root canal is often the recommended course to clear the infection and protect
the tooth from further damage.

The Steps of Root Canal Therapy

1. Diagnosis and X-rays

Your experience begins with a thorough examination at Stallings Dental. Should symptoms
suggest a root canal is needed, precise digital X-rays help us plan the procedure by revealing
the extent of the damage or infection.

2. Anesthesia and Comfort

Your comfort is our priority. We administer local anesthesia to numb the tooth and surrounding
area, ensuring you’re comfortable and pain-free. For those with dental anxiety, additional
sedation options are available to create a more relaxed experience.

3. The Root Canal Procedure

Once the area is numb, we gently remove the infected or damaged pulp within the tooth. The
chamber and canals are meticulously cleaned and disinfected. Then, these inner spaces are
filled with a biocompatible material and sealed to prevent any future infection.

4. Restoration

After the infection is cleared, the tooth is often restored with a crown or filling, providing strength
and allowing it to function like any other tooth. At Stallings Dental, we use the latest in dental
materials and technology to ensure your restoration is both durable and aesthetically pleasing.

Common Concerns Debunked

Myth: Root Canals Are Painful

Root canal procedures have the reputation of being painful, but with modern techniques and
anesthesia, patients often report the experience to be no more uncomfortable than getting a

Myth: It’s Better to Pull the Tooth

While extraction may seem like a quick fix, maintaining your natural tooth has long-term benefits
for your oral health, including preventing shifting of surrounding teeth that can lead to more
complex dental issues.

Myth: Recovery Is Long and Difficult

Most patients resume normal activities the very next day. Some mild discomfort may be
experienced, but this is typically manageable with over-the-counter pain medication and
resolves within a few days.

Life After a Root Canal

Post-procedure, you may be advised to avoid chewing on the treated tooth until restoration is
completed. Follow-up visits ensure that your tooth heals properly and the restoration fits
perfectly. A tooth that has undergone a root canal can last a lifetime with proper care, including
good oral hygiene practices and regular check-ups.

Commitment to Your Health and Comfort

At Stallings Dental, we’re committed not just to the health of your teeth, but also to your total
comfort and well-being. Our caring team is here to answer your questions, alleviate your
concerns, and ensure a safe and positive root canal experience.

A root canal doesn’t have to be a source of anxiety. It’s a routine procedure that can relieve pain
and save your tooth, and we’re here to guide you through every step. If you’ve been advised
that a root canal might be in your future, or if you’re experiencing tooth pain or sensitivity,
contact us at Stallings Dental. We’re ready to restore your smile’s health and shine with the
gentle, expert care you deserve.